Florida Gulf Coast University
U.A. Whitaker College of Engineering
Department of Computing & Software Engineering

Course Catalog Description

Data structure design, implementation, application, and analysis are explored. Abstract data types (ADTs) are introduced and uses of interfaces is emphasized. Topics include stacks, queues, linked lists, and trees. Recursion is revisited, the O notation is introduced, and computational complexity of searching and sorting algorithms are explored.


COP 3003 for level Undergraduate with minimum grade of C and MAD 3107 for level Undergraduate with minimum grade of C

Required Material


Data Structures Algorithm Analysis in C++ 4th Edition by Mark Allen Weiss, ISBN: 9780132847377


Choose any C++ compiler. Instructor will use CLion and Visual Studio for in-class demonstrations.

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Be able to implement and apply basic data structures: linked-lists, stacks, queues, and trees.
  • Be able to use recursion to solve complex problems.
  • Understand different searching and sorting algorithms: tree searching, heap sort, quick sort, etc.
  • Understand the big-O notation.
  • Be able to compare different searching and sorting algorithms using the big-O notation.

Instructional Methods

This is a face-to-face course with lectures, instructor led programming examples, and in-class labs.


Attendance is mandatory for all classes. Attendance will be taken and will count towards participation credit. Students should notify me at least 48 hours in advance of intent to miss a class to arrange alternate schedules for in-class assignments.


All course related communication should be via Canvas message. Each student is responsible for checking his/her FGCU email at least once a day. The instructor will respond to your emails within 24 hours except weekends and holidays.

Topics / Tentative Schedule

  • Review: Arrays, pointers, references
  • Recursion, Big-O Notation
  • Lists
  • Stacks
  • Queues
  • Exam 1
  • Binary Trees
  • Heaps
  • Sorting
  • Exam 2
  • Hashing
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Exam 3


There is no grace period for late submission of assignments. All assignments with due dates and times will be posted on Canvas. Alternate schedules can be arranged ahead of time with instructor approval.

Working Independently:

Students are to work independently on all non-group assignments. It is cheating to see other classmate's work or let other classmates see yours. This does not mean you cannot assist or discuss assignments with your classmates.


Student submissions that contain work from another student or source will receive a zero for that assignment. A second occurrence will result in failing the class, and the academic sanction will be reported to the Dean of Students.

Assignments (50%):

Individual problems and small programs worked outside of class.

Exams (40%):

Written exams taken in class.

Participation (10%):

In class quizzes and labs, attendance, and overall participation.


 A  4.00 93 - 100
 A-  3.75 90 - 92
 B+ 3.25 87 -  89
 B  3.00 83 -  86
 B- 2.75 80 -  82
 C+ 2.25 77 -  79
 C  2.00 70 -  76
 D  1.00 60 -  69
 F  0.00  0 -  59