CDA 3104 Comp. Orgn. & Assmb. Lang. Prog. - 3 credit(s)


Course Catalog Description

Covers the basic concepts of computer organization using a computer platform or a simulator and the corresponding assembly language. Topics include Boolean algebra, logic gates, registers, memory models, CPU structures, basic assembly instructions, procedures, stack frames, and interrupt handling.

Full Syllabus[↑]


  • PHY 2048(C) with min grade of C
  • COP 2006 with min grade of C

Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
  • Understand the basic microcontroller functionality and how it's used in embedded systems.
  • Be able to write assembly language code for the ATMEL AVR family of microcontrollers.
  • Be able to program the various microcontroller features such as hardware interrupts, timers, I/O ports and serial communications.
  • Be able to design circuitry using simple electronics such as using resisters, capacitors, transistors, diodes, relays, and a power supply in the context of embedded systems.

Topics Covered

  • Computer Architecture and AVR MCU
  • Number systems, Binary Arithmetic & Signed Numbers
  • Basic AVR Assembly Programming
  • Conditional Branching (if and loops), Time Delays
  • DC Circuits and Components
  • AVR I/O Programming
  • Advanced AVR Programming
  • AVR Timer Programming
  • AVR Interrupt Programming
  • Various Topics: Analog and Digital Sensors, Motors, PWM, SPI, etc.